Been watching FB since the last election and how many have enjoyed making fun of Biden’s lapses into residual stuttering or momentary loss for words, or his seeming frailty as he performs certain physical movements before cameras. For these folks, belittling the appearance or mannerisms of others becomes a fertile, endless source of amusement, an ever-evolving target for derision. Once it was the Jews, later it was people of color, and now it’s filthy, COVID spreading immigrants who want to take over our country, attend our schools, take our jobs, live in our neighborhoods, marry our sons and daughters and enjoy all of our freedoms we fought so hard to preserve!
But just imagine for a moment, the determination it takes to leave the land of your birth, walk a thousand miles into an uncertain future that guarantees absolutely nothing, fueled only on hope.
And now, can you remember, back perhaps many generations in your family, through the decades and centuries of time, when your ancestors made this same perilous journey to America?